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Showing posts with the label social network

Your Tweets Can Land You In Jail

Twitter fights have become almost an everyday thing on "naija Twitter". Its not uncommon to see two or more people call themselves out and describe each other with such unflattering words that would make even a heartless drone cringe. Some countries have started holding people accountable for their tweets and it seems Nigeria is following in their footsteps with the recent rumours that the actress Tonto Dikeh might face jail time for a picture of her holding a wrap of weed she uploaded on twitter. I hope She drops the soap...ah i digress.  Legislators in Grenada have gone a step further, they have passed a bill into law that holds people liable for their tweets, in Grenada it has become a criminal offence to insult somebody or organization on any social network especially Twitter. Grenada's legal affairs Minister Mr Elvis Nimrod told the AP: "we have problems when some use the technology to engage in mischief" . If you insult someone's name or charac...