Apple unveiled the iPad Air a couple of weeks back and it’s a breathtaking masterpiece reminiscent of the innovation Apple has been known for. Apple revolutionized mobile computing with the release of the original iPad 1 in 2010 and since then they have maintained a vice-like grip on the Tablet Market which they almost single handedly created. OVERVIEW The new iPad is a refresh of the apple iPad line-up , it has a sleeker design whose inspiration was taken directly from the new iPad mini, Apple claims the device is faster, thinner and lighter than the iPad 4 and at first glance it bears no resemblance to the latter , which justifies the rebranded name iPad Air. Apple has managed to hold of other Manufacturers who want a slice of the their Tablet Market share and this device along with its pint sized relative the iPad Mini are meant to fly the banner for them in 2014 would this innovation be enough to fight off the competition? We were able to sp...
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